What is Trypophobia ?

Phobias or fears often have seemed strange even unprovoked . Nevertheless , the fear of spiders , darkness , and the height is now regarded as a natural thing .Despite sounding redundant , this kind of phobia have a specific cause . Such bites are painful, venomous sting , which is fatal fall , and ambushes . For these reasons , phobias looks reasonable , although it did not object at the time posed a threat .

Apparently there is a strange kind of fear that is more than just a phobia of heights and darkness , the fear in the hole , or a bunch of holes . Kind of fear that is known as " trypophobia " This is not yet formally recognized in the DSM - V ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ) . Apart from formal trypophobia unfamiliar , but psychologists and scientists have recognized the existent of types of phobias .
In some cases , fear does include natural and artificial objects . For example the lotus seed pods , honeycomb , rock structures , crumpets and cakes . Fear in a group of this hole can cause panic attacks , migraine , sweating , and even heart attack .

Trypophobia diagnosis of this can be done easily yourself . Psychologist , Geoff Cole , lead a study to determine the evolutionary basis of human fear . As a result, fear is widespread and dominate . In addition it is also related to the fear of threats from ancient times .

Geoff Cole further explained that , all people have a tendency trypophobic suffering , though not realized . This is due to the tendency to avoid anything that feels dangerous to themselves .
According to experts , fear in the pit a group derived from a small group or organisms or poisonous creatures . Although diverse kind , being a source of fear in general have a unique look that has a characteristic spatial pattern repeatedly. For example a blue -ringed octopus with spotted pattern on the body which could trigger trypophobia .

From that logic , it can be said that the fear of a group of irregular holes could be the same as the object of fear crawl . As a result , wasp nests and pomegranates can be considered to cause fear and considered a threat .

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