Overcome Damaged Hair and Branching

Overcome Damaged Hair and Branching - Hair is the crown for women . Hair is considered as part of the body that influence the appearance of a woman . This makes so many women are trying so hard to keep her hair looks healthy or beautiful . Too many women that many flocked to the salon to do treatment on her hair or want to embellish her ​​hair in various ways . Well , it turns out it could be a problem for hair . Hair care or use of chemical drugs is not always suitable for all hair types . The worst outcome of course the quality of the hair was down and the health of hair and scalp can worsen . One of the problems that can make the hair weaker sex is a problem riled damaged hair and split ends .

Many women who considered damaged hair and split ends problem can be overcome by simply cutting the hair up pretty short . However , this fact can not overcome this problem . The core of the problem of damaged hair and split ends is not on how long a person's hair . What happens is that the oil produced by glands under the scalp can not reach the tip of the hair so that the tip becomes drier and more brittle than the stems or roots of the hair . This problem can usually be caused by hair coloring , use a shampoo that does not match the hair , or use a comb and hair brush that would damage the quality of the hair .

However , you do not need to worry , there are some solutions to overcome the damaged hair and split ends . You can treat your hair with a conditioner or cream at least once a week . Cut off the end of the hair that has been damaged and then given to trim or steam therapy every 8 -12 weeks can also be used as a solution . However , you also have to avoid a hair dryer that can damage your hair . In addition , you must also consider the use of a comb and combing your hair the way that your hair is not damaged . You can use a hair comb with spherical bearings at the ends. This type of comb to get rid of the dirt , but also at the same time spread the natural oil content to all parts of your hair .

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